

What is vue-data-form(vdf for short)?

vue-data-form, is a data-driven form component based on Vue.js and ElementUI.

What is the main purpose of vdf?

In most cases, we will code on our own when we want to realize a form. If you are building a manage system, which includes so many forms with the same UI framework and structure, you will be tired of copying and pasting.

So, how can we make it more efficient?

My answer is, we can realize the form using some standard data objects. These Data Object describes name, data-type, functional options and other properties of form elements. With these objects, we can not only realize forms in a simple way, but also make the maintenance easier.

In summary, vdf can helps us realize forms in a standard, easy way.


script tag:
<script src=""></script>
import VueDataForm from 'vue-data-form'


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